Millstein ADR

Standing Neutral and Dispute Board for 

Outsourcing and Technology Projects

We support business processes intended to strengthen the governance and project management of large-scale or long-term outsourcing, information technology implementation, and similar relationships and projects.

Increasingly, business entities recognize that the risks of elongated dispute resolution put into jeopardy the timely delivery and implementation of technology projects and the expected benefits of outsourcing arrangements. Standing Neutrals and Dispute Boards have long been used in the construction industry and in the governance of joint ventures by bringing neutral expertise on a timely basis when required to cut through issues and ensure that the project or venture is not derailed. Efficient and effective dispute resolution is also essential in outsourcing and technology relationships, to prevent stalemate and unlock the value and benefit perceived when the deal was struck. Julian S. Millstein ADR Services provides neutral support for speedy and informed resolution of issues that are not resolved by the parties in the ordinary course of project or steering committee governance.

  • Outsourcing Relationships (including multi-party)

  • Technology Joint Ventures and Go To Market Relationships

  • Software Development Projects

  • System Integration Projects

  • ERP and Similar Implementations

  • Technology Roll-outs

  • Large-scale Consulting Agreements

Best practices dictate that viewing dispute resolution as a business process increases the total value to all parties. Our services can be engaged either as a Standing Neutral or as member of a Dispute Board, at the outset of the relationship, or in an ad hoc manner during the relationship. We provide an experienced neutral and required subject matter experts who are qualified to efficiently and informally review the parties' positions on the scope, performance and/or pricing issues to be addressed, issue reports with recommended solutions and outcomes, and otherwise support the parties' process in narrowing and resolving the disputed issues.

We recommend that parties consider adding Standing Neutral or Dispute Board services to the governance structure adopted in the parties' agreement. We are available to provide examples of how this can be achieved, and to discuss the process at greater length.